Effective Communication And Public Speaking Courses

Elevate Academy in association with ‘Chatterbox’ provides a platform for children between the ages of 7 to 17 years, as well as, for all 18 & above, to shed their inhibitions of stage fear, public speaking and all those baggages we carry within ourselves which prevent us to be great orators.
It is not what we speak but how we speak that makes the difference.
You may have beautiful words to share and a lot of knowledge to impart, it will only make a difference when it touches the audiences’ hearts. People will forget what you have said but they will always remember how you made them feel.


An “out of the box” coaching center which will soon grow up to be an institution by itself. We do not teach grammar or languages. We do not restrict you to the use of English language alone. All we do is build your confidence and guide you step wise to be the best orator you can ever be.

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